Thursday, October 1, 2009

A day with mixed feeling

Posted by bguat at 3:23 PM

Hello...Before I begin my reflection, I would like to apologize to Mdm Foziah for letting her down in class today. We're extremely sorry for our inconsideration and insensitivity and I hope it won't happen again.

Today, we had combined class (both tuesday and thurday groups) and Ma'am requested the thursday group to present their articles that were assigned two weeks ago. We were warned that we should not take this easy as these articles are very important to us.
Thank God, we had the opportunity to listen to the presentations again, as I was not really paying attention in the previous class. I noticed that today's presentation was a bit different from our groups' as their presentations were more in-depth and covered the details of each research done on technology and education. So, to conclude what I've observed from their presentations, I found that integration of technology in the ESL classroom are essential in motivating learners to learn, especially young children. Some of the articles revealed that pre-service and in-service teachers expressed positive attitudes towards the usage of technology in the classroom, however, some were not ready or they did not have have the pre-requisite skills to use it in the classroom. Therefore, this serves as an alarming sign for us, the future teachers! As we embarked on this semester, we were introduced to large scale usage of technology and througout the semester, we have learned a lot of technology and computer skils, namely photo editing, video editing, audio editing, e-book and etc. All these have widened our knowledge and perspectives on how useful technology is in the teaching and learning world. As one of the presentors, Najwa, mentioned, technology establishes a more genuine setting to the classroom, as children can explore a variety of interesting learning materials that are closed to the real world setting. I truly agreed with this statement. Therefore, we must take the initiatives to learn how we can integrate technology effectively in the classroom.

As for the second part of the lesson, Ma'am reminded us about the due date for the second assignment, which is the compilation of electronic teaching aids. So far, our groups have decided where and how we should download or get our teaching aids, however, we have not put our plans into "actions". Therefore, I hope we can finish it on time. Besides, we were also asked to work in groups of 4 for the third assignment, which is designing lesson plans. As for this assignment, I am working with new members: Priya, Fendy, and Firdaus. This is my first time working with Firdaus and hopefully we can produce really good lesson plans!
That's all about the class today and let's work harder for our assignments!
P/S: Ma'am was not feeling well today, so I hope that she will get well soon!

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