Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My last entry: Reflection on my learning journey

Posted by bguat at 4:30 PM
According to Wikipedia, blog refers to a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. This semester, we have experienced extensive exposure to blogs. Before this, I've never maintained a blog before, but now, I'm kind of addicted to blog! For this semester, I owned 2 personal academic blogs, windows live for Technology and blogspot for Resources. Thanks to these 2 subjects, I got the chance to reflect on my own learning experience through blogging.
So, here are few questions posted by Mdm Foziah:
1. What do you like about blogging?
Personally, I like blogging a lot. Through my blog, I can pen down what I've gained in my journey of learning. I found that writing reflections through blog is one of the effective ways to capture important events in learning, for instance, it enables me to reflect on what I've learnt every week, and how much I've gained in the process.
2. What have you gained from blogging? How?
Blogging enables me to trace back my learning experience from time to time too. Besides, blog also gives me unlimited space to pour out my feeling! Frankly admitting, I'm not a very expressive person, however, through my own blog, I can express my feelings and emotions freely! This is just like my own academic diary. Besides, thig blog has served as a medium for us to share and exchange ideas with our friends as well. It allows me to learn from a wider horizon. Learning is not limited to oneself, but through blogs, it has widened my learning sphere. Besides growing through my blog, the other 72 blogs maintained by my friends have also served as a useful learning platform for me. Indeed, I found that this collaborative and reciprocal learning like this is very beneficial for me. I learnt to give constructive comments to my friends, and I learnt greatly from their comments on my entries as well.
Besides, through blog, I found that learning has no limit. My experience and knowledge has grown greatly from time to time. My language skills has grown as well, I learnt to be more expressive, and more critical in my reflection. I believe that this process is an endless journey.

5. What do you like about this course?
This course has opened my perception regarding the use of resources in ESL classroom. I learnt how to utilise resources effectively. I really like this course as it has indeed given me wonderful, fruitful and rewarding experience. I had extensive exposure to useful softwares which will come in handy when we create teaching aids. I had the opportunity to learn and explore, which I think have shaped me into a more all-rounded teacher.
6. What you do not like about this course?
The heavy workload. Perhaps the assignments and tasks being assigned could be reduced as there were too many tasks throughout this course. Other than that, I feel very grateful for having to learn so many wonderful things.
7. What have you learnt from this course?
Although there were only 14 weeks, I have indeed grown and developed a lot. I have grown into a more independent learner (learning and reflecting through my own blogs), matured thinker, who are well-equipped with essential skills in developing resources in the classroom. In this precious 14 weeks, we had been exposed to numerous tools, and softwares in ELT. I learnt how to create e-books, gifs, edit photo, videos and audio. I also learnt how to create interesting teaching aids. All these precious learning experience has really shaped me into a better learner.
8. What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?
I really did not expect to learn all the tasks mentioned above. There were really amazing.
9. What have u expected but do not learn from this course?
So far, I found that this course has given me more than what I've expected.
10. If you can change anything about this course, state what is and elaborate?
Personally, I felt that there is nothing that I would like to change in this course. I am glad to have the chance to learn so many useful skills, however, I had a hard time in managing so many assignments and tasks especially when exam is coming. Perhaps the number of assingments can be reduced.
11. On a scale of 1 – 10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.
I would give 3 for before and 8 for after. I found that the skills were extremely useful for me throughout this semester. Initially, my knowledge of computing and technological skills were just like a flower seed, then it blooms gradually, and now it has transformed into a fully grown flower.

So, thumbs up for this course!

2 comments on "My last entry: Reflection on my learning journey"

jpriyatharisini on October 24, 2009 at 12:41 AM said...
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jpriyatharisini on October 24, 2009 at 12:43 AM said...

Wow! An excellent piece of reflection Bee Guat!I truly agree with you that this process is indeed an endless journey that has widen our learning perspectives, given us a remarkable learning experience and broaden our mindset tremendously to be a quality 21st century teacher .Well, thumbs girl!All the best in your future undertakings..

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