Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week 14: Time to bid farewell

Posted by bguat at 12:16 PM
Hi everyone. Time really flies and today is the last day of our Resources class. Without realising, this semester is going to end in a few days' time! It was advocated that 'If you make good time on a journey, you manage to travel faster than you expected.' I believe that this saying is indeed very true, although we are overwhelmed with tonnes of assignments, I am still having a great time during the journey, as personally, I've gained many valuable lessons.
Today, we were to pass up our Assignment 2. Thank God, all of us managed to complete our assignment on time. I'm positive that all of us had given our best for this assignment, although we failed to fulfill the requirement of the task, as we did not include a list of descriptions regarding the teaching aids. We will take note on it and perhaps improve on other assignments. I'm sure that we were too indulged in the world of creating teaching aids that we forgot about this important matter.
Despite our carelessness, I could still see the hardwork behind this assignment. The folios were filled with colourful and appealing teaching aids that would definitely allure the attention of young primary children. On the other hand, we have learnt how to produce quality and interesting teaching aids too! I'm grateful for having the opportunity to explore and learn so many beneficial and useful softwares. Undeniably, those softwares really came in handy while we were developing our teaching aids. For instance, 'photoscape' enabled me to create gif and animation easily, youtube downloader enabled me to download videos and converting them within seconds as well. There are other wonderful softwares too.
Although exam is coming, there are still assignments that are left undone. The thought of coping with pending assignments and coming final exams really makes me creep. Well, I can only keep my fingers crossed and pray that I will be able to sail through it successfully and get good grades.
Anyway, I'm glad that this semester is over. It was really a fruitful experience. Besides, these 4 months were indeed a huge turning point for me as well. I learnt so much in the process, and that makes me grow into a more matured person.
Hope I can sustain what I've learnt from this course-Resources and apply the skills (both computer and internet) when I go for teaching in the future. Now, if I were to rate my knowledge of computer and internet (in a scale of 10), I would give 3 for before I entered this course and 8 for now!
All right, that's all for now. Bye!

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