Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 10: Full of anticipation

Posted by bguat at 12:36 PM
Hi! Today was another fun-filling and exciting day. Exciting as I think most of us are heading towards our home sweet home soon. As for today's lecture, we had presented the articles which were assigned to us last week. From the presentions, I've really gained a lot of in-depth insights on the importance of preservice teachers to equip ourselves with the knowledge of technology and how they should integrate it into the lesson. In these 9 weeks, I realised that technology can really do wonders in teaching as there are many educational softwares, websites or programmes that can be explored to enhance and motivate pupils' interest to learn. I found that the presentations done by Doreen's group was very clear and informational as they had shown vivid examples as to how technology can be brought into the classroom, and they also explained in detail on how technology can improve pupils' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Now, I have more ideas on how to integrate technology into language teaching. For example, I deem that blogging is one of the ways to motivate pupils to write, as young children generally dislike traditional method of teaching, and the use of technology would definitely capture the attention of these active, bubbly and fun-seeking young learners.
For the second part of the lesson, Ma'am showed us a short advertisement entitled "recycle". I was flabbergasted upon watching this awesome video. Although it was a very short video, which was merely 30 seconds, the idea was marvelous and catchy. The producer managed to deliver the message "it's never too young to start recycling" within 30 seconds. This video featured a boy who sends a question to one of the girls, asking her whether she loves him or not, but the girl rejects him. Then he erases the message and resends the question to another girl. Wow, the idea behind that was simply marvelous! To those who have missed this cute video, you can watch it here.

Before the class ended, Ma'am also commented on some of our storyboards for our video editing assignment. My pair, Aizat and I managed to come out with our story board too, but we didn't have sufficient time to show it to Ma'am. Basically, our video's topic is "It's never too late to express your love". Our video focuses on love towards our family and friends. As we realised that nowadays, people find it hard or awkward to express or show their love, and the word "love" is seldom uttered to people who care for us, especially our parents. So, with this video, we hope that it will bring a sense of awareness especially to youngsters to show their love towards their parents, and also their friends, God, and their loved ones. In our video, we will insert some children's opinions about love. We've found a few quotatios, and we found that they are very meaningful. With this, we hope that we will get our message accrossed. To those who are also in the midst of producing their videos, all the best ya!
Lastly, I would like to wish all my fellow friends and lecturers happy holiday and Selamat Hari Raya! Enjoy your holiday!

1 comments on "Week 10: Full of anticipation"

bguat on September 23, 2009 at 11:30 AM said...
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