Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Video viewing day!

Posted by bguat at 11:49 AM

Hi, I'm positive that all of us had a great time in Resources class yesterday. Before the lesson began, we were to upload our videos that we've done for our video editing task. Then, we spent the first 1 and a half hour watching the videos. There were 18 videos altogether.
Undeniably, I truly enjoyed watching all the videos. I believe that all of us devoted our time and had put in a lot of efforts in this task. Personally, I really admire all the works done. Here, I would like to make some comments on the videos that I've watched.
First of all, most of the videos had indeed carry meaningful messages. I could see the message that the producers intended to convey clearly. For instance, the video entitled 'Unity' and 'Friendship' had captured my attention as the message of the video was very clear and explicit. The theme was very meaningful as well.
Secondly, I found that some of the videos were very realistic and appealing. Some had even used our real life photos. Those photos really brought us down our memory land as it reminded us of some great time we've experienced for the passed 4 years! It was indeed very refreshing and mesmerising! Haha..
Some videos were very inspiring and thought provoking, for instance, the videos done by dhaya and peter had indeed triggered our awareness on the need to protect our mother earth. Another thought-provoking video that I found quite interesting was Jong's and Fendy's video entitled 'Let's ponder about it'. Their videos had really made us ponder upon our every actions in life. The picturesque scenes were very captivating as well.
Apart from that, there were also some light-hearted videos that I felt had managed to calm our minds. For instance, the videos on 'friendship' was indeed very cheerful, and the song chosen was very catchy as well. However, I noticed that there were some grammatical mistakes that they have overlooked. Other than that, it was a great video.
Another video that I found worth watching was '10 things to do before you graduate' by Aaron and Caryn. Their video was extremely attention-grabbing as it had close connection to our life, since we've just embarked our journey in UM. It also reminded us that life isn't all about studying, and we should balance our life and shall enjoy our life at the same time. Undeniably, I had a hard time coping with life here, as it is extremely hectic, with lots of assignments to be done. However, this video made me realise that I should not lament but should take it as an opportunity to learn. Besides, I should also grab the chance to explore and try out something new. Thumbs up for this video!
After watching all the videos, I had better ideas on how to produce a quality video. This task had served as an opportunity for us to learn to be more creative. Before I end my reflection, I would like to share a video that Aizat and I did for this video editing task. Personally, I felt that it was quite dull and I'm sure there are still lots of rooms for improvements. Anyway, enjoy watching the video and feel free to comment ya! Thank you and have a nice day!

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