Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 8=housekeeping!

Posted by bguat at 12:43 PM
Today's lecture was all about housekeeping. We've finally handed in our assignments. So far, everything is going smoothly, and I'm glad that all of us managed to complete the tasks on time! However, some of us did not follow the instructions given by Ma'am when handing in assignment, thus we had to spend the whole lecture arranging and sorting things back to order.
As for this assignment, I've really gained a lot of hands-on experience on how to edit audio. Indeed, I found that this assignment was quite fun. I think we are half way to become professional audio editors now.Haha! So far, I've learnt to use Audacity and music editing master. I found that these softwares are quite user friendly and we can basically edit all sorts of audio files. They are quite easy to use and they have all the tools we need to enhance the quality of audio files. It also enables us to merge two songs and add effects to the songs. Quite cool isn't it?
So for next week, we will be learning video editing. Wow, we are gonna be all-rounded teachers! I really look forward to the lecture next week and hopefully we can gain something new and useful. Okay, that's all for now and have a nice day!

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