Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reflection week 7

Posted by bguat at 12:40 PM
Hi. Without realising, half semester has passed! As for today, we were given another task to complete : audio editing. So far, we've developed an ebook, edited photos and now we are venturing into the audio editing world! I am glad that we have the chance to learn so many amazing things! I'm positive that all those skills are worth learning. Frankly speaking, I really enjoy the process of doing the works and I'm proud to see the end products. I hope I will be able to cope with the heavy workloads and complete the assignments on time. Before this, I had used a few songs for my simulated teaching back in college, and I was not satisfied with the quality of the song, however, I did not know how to edit the song according to my preferences. Now, finally, I have the chance to explore and learn it!

For this lecture, we've been exposed to some examples of audio editing work done by Mdm Foziah, and she also introduced us to some tools for audio editing, the purpose for editing audio, and the history of audio editing world. I think I'm quite interested in doing this task, and hopefully I can manage to come out with a good piece of product! So, we really need to work hard now! All the best to all!

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