Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Video editing here we come!

Posted by bguat at 2:57 PM
Hi there. Today's lecture was yet another "eye-opener" session for me. This week, our assignment is to produce a video! Video, I thought, not again, we had just finished producing one video for our technology assignment! However, as Ma'am revealed one of her all time favourite 'ella and wu chun's' video clip, I was totally impressed by the video edited by their fans! The video managed to capture our attention, and upon seeing their work, I am fully motivated to create one as well!

Besides that, Ma'am also showed us some video editing softwares that can be utilised for this assignment. One of them was one true media. Before this, I only know windows movie maker, power director and photostory. This time around I am going to try something new! Sounds interesting and challenging isn't it?
As I browsed through the net, I found one particular fan made video which had captured my attention. It is a video created by the fan of some hong kong drama series. They had merged some scenes in a few dramas and combined into one short meaningful video. The song that they chose really goes well with the video. Maybe this is not the best video, but the efforts that they have put in deserve a thumbs up! You can watch the video that I've attached below.
Besides that, we were also asked to work in pairs of different gender. So, this time I'm no longer working with my sweet female partner, but I'm working with a new partner from different gender. Luckily, I managed to find one partner, who is Aizat. I have worked with him previously and he is a nice partner to work with! So, I hope we can produce a good video!
So far, we have brainstormed some ideas and we found that creating a video isn't an easy job. So, we will try to squeeze some creative juice out of our little brains and hopefully we can produce a video which can really inspire our audience. Really look forward to start this assignment.
I believe strongly that 'with great determination, nothing is impossible!' So, best of luck, my friends! Enjoy watching the video! :)

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