Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My fifth resources class: overwhelming!

Posted by bguat at 12:26 PM
Hi, greetings to all. I would say today's resources class was yet another "eye-opener" for me. Before the lesson started, we were surprised by the fire drill. All of us were like ants scattered at the ground floor, and waited for the instructions from the firemen. The drill was simply cool, especially when the firemen demonstrated to us on how to use the fire extinguisher. For me, I just stood at the back and enjoyed the "show". Haha.
As for the class, we were given another assignment from Mdm Foziah. Ouhh, not again, I sighed. However, as Maam explained to us on what we should do, I found that this assignment is not bad after all. For this assignment, we are to collect all the electronic teaching aids that we have produced or found, then categorise and compile them. I found that this assignment is very beneficial for us, as when we have a variety of teaching aids, it helps us to save a lot of time if we are to use them in the future. We don't have to undergo the trouble of finding or downloading them, because it's already there, ready to be used! Besides that, I believe that we will definitely gain wonderful experience doing this assignment, as we will be able to learn how to produce quality teaching aids. Thumbs up for this assignment! Hehe..
Apart from that, Mdm Foziah has also shown us some examples of photo editing, and how people add effects to pictures. I was surprised to see all the pictures done by those people, because they were amazing. I wonder how they found time to edit all those photos! The most beautiful job done by them was the photo featuring the well-known taiwanese singer and actor, Ella and Wu Chun. Their fan had actually replaced Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's photo with their faces. The photo was remarkable, because the picture fitted their faces so well. These were some of the photos with added effects. Hope I am able to produce similar work soon!

I didn't even realise that this photo was actually being cut and merged together. Amazing isn't it?

This was another photo edited by their fan. I was flabbergasted upon seeing all the pictures. The effect is just remarkable.

I didn't even know how this was done. So, this shows that there are a lot for me to learn! Okay, I think I shall procrastinate no more and start to work hard! Good luck to all my friends! Adios!

1 comments on "My fifth resources class: overwhelming!"

jpriyatharisini on August 4, 2009 at 4:07 PM said...

Yeah..like you said bee guat, today's class was definitely an eye opener for all us ..oh ya, not forgetting the fire drill too..
Regarding the photo editing thingy, Wow, like you, i was also mesmerized to see how one can make an unbelievable photo believable...simply amazing rite?Till then.. good luck beeguat, i am sure you can be one of those creative photo editors too! ~cheers~

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