Tuesday, August 11, 2009

E-book, here we come!

Posted by bguat at 12:33 PM
Today is a pleasant day, and I just enjoyed our resources class! The lesson began with a short presentation from Mdm Foziah. The topic of the lecture was about criteria for selecting or creating stories. I found that this lesson was indeed very useful and I'm glad that we all had a strong foundation in this field as we had been exposed to a similar course named "Stories in the ESL classroom" before. Mdm Foziah had also exposed us to the criteria that we should take note in developing a story, which include the text, font size, plot, and illustrations. This is to help us to develop an e-book, which is our next assignment! This is the very first time that we are to create an e-book! As I browsed through Google, e-book refers to an e-text that forms the digital media equivalent of a conventional printed book. So, the idea is quite similar to a story books that we usually read, but it's just that e-book is presented in the form of electronic media.
So far, we have learnt to do tutorials, photoshop and now, we are to apply what we have learnt from the previous lessons to this assignment! This serves as another learning platform for us to develop our internet and computer skills! Wow, we have learnt so many things in such a short period, amazing isn't it? As quoted by Abigail Adams " learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence". I extremely agree with this quotation! I think what I need now is passion in learning and also to persevere in what I'm doing now! Although they are lots of assignment awaiting us, I believe that with great passion and determination, we can excel in the end! So, let's work hard together towards achieving what we aim for!
Oh ya, happy holiday to all my beloved friends and lecturers! Enjoy your holiday :)

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