Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hi there!

Posted by bguat at 11:53 AM
Hello, my name is Ng Bee Guat, you can call me Bee Guat. I was born in Melaka,a small peaceful town. Previously, I had my 4 years of tertiarty education at Insitute Perguruan Ilmu Khas. And here I am, in University Malaya, to proceed my third and fourth year degree studies on TESL primary education. Time flies really fast, without realising, I am stepping into another "unknown land"! The environment here is totally different. However, I believe that I can adapt to this new environment very soon. This is going to be a long journey but I believe that it will be a challenging and inspiring one!
So, this blog is mainly opened for academic purposes, where I pen down my thoughts and reflections on the course PBEY 3102 "Using and Developing Resources for the ESL classroom". I believe that this course will be very helpful for us because it exposes us to the various resources available in the language classroom, which we might not use before. I found that I like our lecturer too! She is very friendly and approachable.
Apart from that, I really enjoy learning this course , because we have our own blogs! I also heard from our seniors that we can upload videos and songs as well! This is going to be fun, right?
Okay, I think I shall stop here..thank you for visiting my blog! If you have any doubts or questions, just feel free to drop your comments! I will certainly respond to you. Will keep you guys updated from time to time ya! See you :)

1 comments on "Hi there!"

hau on July 7, 2009 at 11:30 PM said...

wow...looks like i m the first person to comment in your blog..haha
congrats for new opening of your blog.
looking forward for your photos, videos n songs..

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