Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exploring, experimenting and sharing

Posted by bguat at 12:00 PM
EXPLORING, EXPERIMENTING and SHARING. These are the three words that I would like to use to relate to our Resources class today. The topic that we learnt today was "working with young language learners". My group was assigned to present on the subtopic 1.2 children's creative use of limited language resources. Since we didn't have time to listen to our friends' presentations, so here is basically what I understood from our group's discussion. This topic was about the creative use of pupils' limited language. I was amazed to discover that with limited language knowledge, children are still able to produce language. Although their grammar and linguistic knowledge are inadequate, they have the potential to creatively use what they know to convey their message. So, it proves that children will somehow find ways to express themselves, given that the environment and people around them support and encourage them to do so. Chomsky, in his Universal Grammar theory, proposed that children have the innate ability to acquire language. Therefore, I learn that language teachers play a vital role in children's language development, we have to give them the right support and provide guidance, or scaffold them if necessary. This will help to unleash their innate potential to learn language. Here, what we can do is perhaps maximize the use of resources in the classroom to enhance pupils' language development. These were basically what I felt about language learning of young learners.
Apart from that, we had been divided into 5 groups, each group represents the sub-topic that we are going to learn during tutorials. The topics are: internet skills, photo editing skills, audio editing, video editing, and software for ELT. Wow, all these topics look so NEW to me..The title itself is enough to make me creeps..Haha..Anyway, like what our lecturer said, it does not matter if we are not good at those skills, the most important thing is WE ARE WILLING TO LEARN. So, I think it's time for me to explore, experiment and share my knowledge with my fellow friends. Hopefully, by the end of this course, I'm able to master those skills!

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