Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Busy weeks ahead...

Posted by bguat at 4:27 PM
Today is yet another busy day. We were assigned to complete the tutorial tasks given by Mdm Foziah, without her assistance. I was surprised when she asked us how many tutorials we have done, as I didn't know that we have to do it during the weekend! (And instead of doing the tutorials, I spent my "so-called holiday" shopping and watching this..haha..It's a good movie worth watching though!)

So, that was why things are being procrastinated until today! However, it's no use crying over spilled milk, so I better stop grumbling and start working!
Overall, today's resources class is basically about tutorials. During the class, our eyes were glued to the computer screen, and all of us were busy cracking our brains, trying to finish up the tasks. Aahhh...
However, despite all the hard work we are going through now, I feel grateful towards Mdm Foziah as she has established the opportunity for us to learn and explore! In the process of doing the tutorials, I found that the knowledge of web searching, downloading, uploading, encoding, storing files, converting files, to file conversion are vital and should be mastered by all of us the future teachers. Previously, I did not know the proper channel to download mp3s, videos and softwares. So, this assignment serves as a good medium for me to develop my internet and computer skills. With this knowledge, I would be able to download teaching aids or songs, search for potential resources that I can use in the classroom, and convert important documents. So, as for now, I think I better catch up and complete the tutorials before the due date! Adios!

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