Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Watch this, it's hilarious!

Posted by bguat at 8:49 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Busy weeks ahead...

Posted by bguat at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Today is yet another busy day. We were assigned to complete the tutorial tasks given by Mdm Foziah, without her assistance. I was surprised when she asked us how many tutorials we have done, as I didn't know that we have to do it during the weekend! (And instead of doing the tutorials, I spent my "so-called holiday" shopping and watching this..haha..It's a good movie worth watching though!)

So, that was why things are being procrastinated until today! However, it's no use crying over spilled milk, so I better stop grumbling and start working!
Overall, today's resources class is basically about tutorials. During the class, our eyes were glued to the computer screen, and all of us were busy cracking our brains, trying to finish up the tasks. Aahhh...
However, despite all the hard work we are going through now, I feel grateful towards Mdm Foziah as she has established the opportunity for us to learn and explore! In the process of doing the tutorials, I found that the knowledge of web searching, downloading, uploading, encoding, storing files, converting files, to file conversion are vital and should be mastered by all of us the future teachers. Previously, I did not know the proper channel to download mp3s, videos and softwares. So, this assignment serves as a good medium for me to develop my internet and computer skills. With this knowledge, I would be able to download teaching aids or songs, search for potential resources that I can use in the classroom, and convert important documents. So, as for now, I think I better catch up and complete the tutorials before the due date! Adios!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just beat it!

Posted by bguat at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Without realising, we've entered the third week of the semester, how time flies right? This week is much better than the previous weeks, and I'm enjoying every second of my life as every day teaches me a new lesson! Life is very hectic now, with overwhelming assignments and tasks, but they are meaningful. I had really gained a lot during these 3 weeks of lectures.
Back to Resources now. Frankly speaking, I found that I begin to L-O-V-E this course! Mdm Foziah is really a dedicated lecturer, I like the way she conducts her lesson! This week's lecture was another eye-opening session for me. The lesson kicked off when Mdm Foziah asked us to download the latest song of Micheal Jackson. I was amazed to find that his last song is called "gives thanks to Allah". Although it is a Muslim song, I enjoyed listening to the song. Micheal Jackson's voice is really manificent. Undeniably, his lost was a sad tragedy for the music industry.
Anyway, I feel glad that I learnt another new lesson on this tuesday- Produce a step-by-step tutorial on how to download an MP3 file! Although the process is tedious, as every step has to be included in, I found that they are important! Tutorials help people learn new skills by using a step-by-step process that ensures the user is following along and comprehending the material.This reflects how essential and useful tutorials are. I believe strongly that it will be helpful when I go for teaching later as I might overlook certain steps when I download a file or software, thus I can refer to the checklists from time to time.
Besides that, we were also given a list of tutorials that we need to complete in two weeks' time. Wow, it was indeed a LONG list! However, I am positive that we can do it! Perseverance and determination are what we need now :) So far, I found that this Resources course is very rewarding as it enlightens us with things we have never learn or do not bother to learn before. Look forward to discover more from Resources course. So, let's embark on the journey of exploration from now on!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exploring, experimenting and sharing

Posted by bguat at 12:00 PM 0 comments
EXPLORING, EXPERIMENTING and SHARING. These are the three words that I would like to use to relate to our Resources class today. The topic that we learnt today was "working with young language learners". My group was assigned to present on the subtopic 1.2 children's creative use of limited language resources. Since we didn't have time to listen to our friends' presentations, so here is basically what I understood from our group's discussion. This topic was about the creative use of pupils' limited language. I was amazed to discover that with limited language knowledge, children are still able to produce language. Although their grammar and linguistic knowledge are inadequate, they have the potential to creatively use what they know to convey their message. So, it proves that children will somehow find ways to express themselves, given that the environment and people around them support and encourage them to do so. Chomsky, in his Universal Grammar theory, proposed that children have the innate ability to acquire language. Therefore, I learn that language teachers play a vital role in children's language development, we have to give them the right support and provide guidance, or scaffold them if necessary. This will help to unleash their innate potential to learn language. Here, what we can do is perhaps maximize the use of resources in the classroom to enhance pupils' language development. These were basically what I felt about language learning of young learners.
Apart from that, we had been divided into 5 groups, each group represents the sub-topic that we are going to learn during tutorials. The topics are: internet skills, photo editing skills, audio editing, video editing, and software for ELT. Wow, all these topics look so NEW to me..The title itself is enough to make me creeps..Haha..Anyway, like what our lecturer said, it does not matter if we are not good at those skills, the most important thing is WE ARE WILLING TO LEARN. So, I think it's time for me to explore, experiment and share my knowledge with my fellow friends. Hopefully, by the end of this course, I'm able to master those skills!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Looking forward to the next class, how about you?

Posted by bguat at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Hi...This is the second week of the new semester.So far everything was fine, and I begin to enjoy the life here. Although our life is very hectic now, with a lot of tasks to complete, it is FUN! After all, I believe all these assignments and tasks are worth learning and it will definitely help me in my teaching in the future..Looking forward to the second resources' class tomorrow. Last week, our lecturer had touched on a little bit of introduction on working with young learners, but I would like to confess here: I was not really paying attention to the lecture-because I was too fascinated by my new blog! Haha :P..Anyway, I will make sure that I get the front seat tomorrow so that I can pay FULL attention in the class..
See you in the next class! Have a nice day :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hi there!

Posted by bguat at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Hello, my name is Ng Bee Guat, you can call me Bee Guat. I was born in Melaka,a small peaceful town. Previously, I had my 4 years of tertiarty education at Insitute Perguruan Ilmu Khas. And here I am, in University Malaya, to proceed my third and fourth year degree studies on TESL primary education. Time flies really fast, without realising, I am stepping into another "unknown land"! The environment here is totally different. However, I believe that I can adapt to this new environment very soon. This is going to be a long journey but I believe that it will be a challenging and inspiring one!
So, this blog is mainly opened for academic purposes, where I pen down my thoughts and reflections on the course PBEY 3102 "Using and Developing Resources for the ESL classroom". I believe that this course will be very helpful for us because it exposes us to the various resources available in the language classroom, which we might not use before. I found that I like our lecturer too! She is very friendly and approachable.
Apart from that, I really enjoy learning this course , because we have our own blogs! I also heard from our seniors that we can upload videos and songs as well! This is going to be fun, right?
Okay, I think I shall stop here..thank you for visiting my blog! If you have any doubts or questions, just feel free to drop your comments! I will certainly respond to you. Will keep you guys updated from time to time ya! See you :)

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